Friday, April 20, 2007

Final Project

Final Project Explanation

I decided to create media-related assignments that will fit into one of my existing teaching units. At my school, I am required to teach George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World in a unit on satire for my English 12 classes. While I have "traditional" assignments and activities like vocabulary quizzes and study guides, I think these media-related activities have potential to be interesting and engaging for students. I tried to use what I have learned this semester in CI 5472 to create assignments that require use and/or analysis of a variety of media forms. I have created assignments, rubrics and rationales related to the following: the genre of satire in film; a recent article from a newspaper or magazine that relates to an issue seen in 1984, but in our world today; a student-created satire of a commercial advertisement; and an expansion of my 1984 webquest from week 11.

I am looking forward to trying these assignments with my students, as well as sharing them with my English 12 colleagues, some of who are a bit "old school" and are hesitant/reluctant to try new technology.

***NOTE: I made my rubrics for each assignment using tables in Word, which will not work on this blog. If any of you are interested in seeing my rubrics, please let me know and I will email them to you as attachments.

Rationale for Satire Film Viewing Assignment

I decided to create a supplementary film assignment within my unit on satire. This assignment asks students to watch a film with a focused purpose: to analyze the satire present in the film. I chose a wide variety of films in three different genres: comedy, science fiction/fantasy and action/drama. I am hoping students will be able to choose a film they will enjoy with the wide variety of options.

I made this into an assignment to be completed outside of class for a couple reasons. One, so students could choose their own movie based on their individual interests. And two, so students could learn about other movies through listening to their classmates present and discuss the films they watched.

Students will watch the film, write about basic elements of the film (plot, setting, characters), write an analysis of the satire in the film as well as about their personal reaction to the film. Students are also asked to share their viewing experience and film analysis with the class on the due date, for an informal presentation.

NCTE Standards fulfilled in this assignment:

#4 Students adjust ther use of spoken, written and visual langaue to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.

#5 Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

#8 Students use a variety of technological and information resources to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

#11 Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.

#12 Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes.

Satire Film Viewing

Directions: Choose any film from the list below. Some of these films have more satire than others, but they all do contain elements of satire. Also, some of these are rated R, so choose a film you and your family feel is appropriate for you. Your assignment is to watch one of these films and complete the viewing assignment. You will be sharing some of your thoughts of your film and how it relates to satire with the class on the due date.

*The majority of films on this list came from Beach's book.

Duck Soup 1933
Dr. Strangelove 1964
M*A*S*H 1970
Catch-22 1970
Bananas 1971
Sleeper 1973
Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975
Annie Hall 1977
Manhattan 1979
History of the World: Part I 1981
Zelig 1983
The Purple Rose of Cairo 1983
Lost in America 1985
Hannah and Her Sisters 1985
Broadcast News 1987
Raising Arizona 1987
Working Girl 1988
Cry-Baby 1990
Husbands and Wives 1992
Bullets Over Broadway 1994
The Van 1996
Wag the Dog 1998
Bulworth 1998
The Truman Show 1998
Life is Beautiful 1998
Election 1999
Thank You for Smoking 2005

Science Fiction/Fantasy
Fahrenheit 451 1966
A Clockwork Orange 1971
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978
Twelve Monkeys 1995
Contact 1997
Gattaca 1997
The Matrix 1999
The Day After Tomorrow 2004

Natural Born Killers 1994
Fargo 1996
Fight Club 1999

Satire Film Viewing Assignment

Film Title:

I watched this film on the following date(s):

I watched this film (CIRCLE ONE): alone
with family
with friends (state full names)

If you watch a film with a classmate, you must complete these viewing guides separately. It’s okay to discuss your ideas, but your responses must be in your own words. Please write your responses in complete sentences and in black or blue pen. Or, if you prefer, you may type this (please follow this format).

Describe the setting of the film (include mood and details about when and where it takes place):

Summarize the plot:

Write down the names and characteristics of the main characters and describe the conflicts they face:

Write one-two paragraphs describing the elements of satire you see in this film. What bigger issues, types of people or parts of society are being criticized? Think about the four characteristics we discussed in class: deals with serious themes, contains little plot and character development, uses understatement and shock imagery and distorts the world.

Write a one-two paragraph reaction to the film overall. What did you like or dislike about it? Did it make you think of anything in a new way? Explain.

Rationale for Newspaper/Magazine Article Assignment

My main purpose for this assignment is to show students how many of the issues presented in 1984 are still relevant in our world today. I think it’s important for students to see that the world still deals with many of the problems the society and characters in 1984 face. I think students are able to become somewhat more engaged with their reading if they can see that the novels they read matter outside the classroom.

This assignment will require students to research an article, read and analyze the article, and then type a paper about the article and make connections to how it relates to 1984. Students are also asked to share their article and opinion with the class on the due date, for an informal presentation.

NCTE Standards fulfilled in this assignment:

#1 Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the culture of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction; classic and contemporary works.

#3 Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an understanding of the many dimensions of human experience.

#4 Students adjust their use of spoken, written and visual language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.

#5 Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

#6 Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and non-print texts.

#11 Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.

#12 Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes.

1984 Newspaper/Magazine Article and Explanation

George Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to people living in democracies. This book is frequently cited in discussions and articles about world-wide concerns, as well as issues facing us in the United States. For this assignment, you will be reading and writing a reaction to a recent newspaper or magazine article related to Orwell’s warning. Please find an article that has been published within the last five years.


Where to find articles:

Look through newspapers and magazines at home, at the public library or in our school’s LMC.

Look through online sources like (search for topics in archives) or Badgerlink (accessible from our LMC’s homepage; click on Masterfile Premier and type in topic). Make sure your online article is from a reputable source—ask me if you’re not sure.

Directions: Read the article and write a four-paragraph reaction to the article (about 2 pages in length). Attach the article to your completed paper.

Each paragraph should follow the following format:

1. Summarize the topic(s) discussed in the article. Mention the title and author of the article, the date it was published as well as the source where you found the article.
2. Explain the part(s) of society the author criticizes.
3. Explain the similarities you see between the article and 1984.
4. Discuss your personal reaction to the article.

**In all paragraphs: You might want to include quotes from both the novel and the article to make even more specific and detailed comparisons. A level papers will do this.

Final paper should be typed, double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman font.
You will be responsible for sharing your article and reaction with the class on the due date.

Possible topics to choose from:

Privacy (at home, the workplace, school, various public places, online, etc.)
Political Correctness
Treatment of political prisoners
Government control (in our country or in other countries)
Freedom of speech, assembly, the press, etc.
Youth organizations to further a political leader’s goals/beliefs

Check with me if you are questioning whether or not your article relates to the novel.

***This assignment will be worth 35 points.

Rationale for Satirical Advertisement Assignment

I think students will have a better idea of what satire is if they have the opportunity to create their own satire. For this assignment, students, individually or as a pair, will produce a satirical commercial advertisement. Students will need to think about, and use, methods commonly used by advertisers to captivate audiences and sell products. Not only are students asked to create their own advertisement, they will be required to make a statement about an issue of their choice within the advertisement. Students will be encouraged to satirize something about which they feel passionate.

This assignment asks students to create an advertisement, type up an explanation of their advertisement and why they created it, as well as present their advertisements to their classmates.

NCTE Standards fulfilled in this assignment:

#4 Students adjust ther use of spoken, written and visual langaue to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.

#5 Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

#6 Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique and discuss print and non-print texts.

#8 Students use a variety of technological and information resources to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

#11 Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.

#12 Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes.

Satirical Advertising Assignment

Advertisement + Write up/Reflection + Mini Presentation of Material

Directions: Create a satire of an advertisement we would see on television. It can be an advertisement for a product or service, a public awareness advertisement, an advertisement for an organization (like an insurance company, a school district, a non-profit, a bank, etc.), or a campaign. Make sure to use at least two of the four characteristics of satire (little to no plot and character development, distorts the world, serious issue, and understatement and shock imagery) in your advertisement. You should also try to use methods that advertisers often use to sell products or capture attention.

Remember, you need to be making a larger statement about something with which you are trying to criticize. This may be funny, but it should also be critical . Also, satire can sometimes be offensive, but you should try to be careful that you don’t cross the line.

Things you may think about satirizing: gender roles, education, religion, politics, military, government, health care, the media, violence, the environment, business, an age group, etc.

Satirical Advertisement Assignment

*If you make a video or slideshow, it should be about a minute in length.
*You may work alone or with a partner.

Types of technology you may use for this assignment:

Create a slideshow of an advertisement. Include at least six slides with at least six different images. You should also include text. If you want (and know how) you may add sound.

Create a storyboard for a satirical advertisement. Include at least six frames with both visuals and text. You may draw your own images, or you may cut and paste from pictures you find online or in newspapers/magazines.
A free site. Create your own "movie", using your own pictures and/or pictures you find online (at least six different images). You should add text and if you can figure out how, you may also add sound. It’s pretty easy, if you’re mildy computer literate. Ms. Determan could even figure out how to do this!

Use your own video camera (or check one out from our school LMC) and tape yourself making a video advertisement ; edit at home or on the Mac in the LMC.

Write up/Reflection
Discuss the characteristics of satire that you used to create this satirical advertisement. Explain why you chose your subject to satirize. Why is this an issue that is important to you? What is the problem with this issue in our society/world today and what do you think needs to be done to solve it?

This should be typed, double spaced with size 12 TNR font, about two pages in length. Please organize your thoughts and ideas into separate paragraphs. As always, be sure to use transitional words and phrases between and within each paragraph. Also, make sure to take time to edit your rough draft for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

Mini Presentation
You will share your advertisement with the class on the due date. If you made a Word document, Powerpoint or jumpcut "movie" we will use a laptop and projector to display your project. If you made a video, bring in a copy on a VHS or DVD and we will watch it in class.

Additions/Changes have been made to my 1984 WebQuest

This WebQuest is a work in progress. The links I have found are just a start. I think this WebQuest could be continuously updated as we are presented with relevant issues that relate to 1984 each year.

Week 12: Media Integration

For my English 12 classes, I have four units, one for each quarter of the school year. I start off the year with Contemporary World Literature, then we move into The Tragic Hero, then we have Women in Literature and we end the year with Satire. This course has given me some ideas of how to integrate media into each of these units.

For the unit on Contemporary World Literature, my students read two novels. One is a novel of their choice from a large list of books published in the 20th and 21st centuries by authors around the world. The other novel is a choice among the following list: The Kite Runner by Kahled Hosseini, Stones from the River by Ursela Hegi, Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton, Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende and In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez.

I am interested in doing something with film for this unit. The past two years I have showed the movie Whale Rider to show a perspective from another part of the world. I'll admit that I show this film right after I collect their essays on their novel, to give them a break and to give me some time to get started with the enormous task of grading! To save my sanity, I'll probably continue to do this, but I think I'll come up with an assignment for them to view a film that depicts a culture/country similar to the one in the novel they're reading. I also think I could incorporate a blog or another way for them to post and chat about their novels online, but I'm not sure how to do this since so many of my students don't have computers at home.

For my unit on The Tragic Hero, my student read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and Hamlet by Shakespeare. I think it would be interesting to create a webquest for Things Fall Apart, to have students research issues of slavery, colonization and missionary work in Nigeria. For Hamlet, I think I could have students compare film versions of the play.

For my Women in Literature unit, my students read a novel written by (and about) women, as well as poetry and short stories. For the past couple of years I have had students watch the Still Killing Us Softly videos, which discuss how women are portrayed and stereotyped in advertising, and how that affects our society. Then I have had students find and analyze a magazine article they feel negatively portrays and/or contributes to a stereotype of women. It's been an enlightening experience for many of my students, and I plan to continue with that assignment. I think I might take it a step further and have students also view and analyze the way women are portrayed in music videos and popular television programs. I could also have students create an advertisement that shows women (and men) positively.

Finally, I have a few ideas of how to incorporate media into my unit on Satire. Actually, that is the focus of my final project for this course, so you will be able to look at the details of all my ideas when I post my final project!